Ithra Library for Science and Digital Culture is a leading and promising company in preparing enrichment materials that support educational curricula and databases. The company has extensive qualitative experience in this field, and relies on a team of educational experts, writers, artists, and technicians who are able to achieve the highest levels of quality in its products. Ithra Library for Science is proud of Digital culture is the largest collection of Arabic content selected with the utmost precision to suit the tastes of the Arab reader throughout the Arab world.

Our achievements

Why enrich science and culture?
Ithraa database for science and culture
The Ithraa database for science and culture is one of the largest databases that can benefit Arab scholars, researchers, and readers in general. As the general trend in our Arab societies is in the context of interest in increasing knowledge and awareness of the Arab person, the Ithraa Library for Science and Digital Culture has created the Ithraa database. For science and culture, so that the Arab reader and researcher can read and research distinct Arabic content. The database contains the latest editions of Arabic books and periodicals from their sources and Arab publishing houses, as the Ithra Library for Science and Digital Culture has deep, good relations with all Arab publishers, which has enabled it to quickly bring Outstanding Arabic content.

Academic enrichment
Enrichment Academy platform is a smart platform
Knowledge platforms
A platform for the Arab author and publisher who seeks to transform all paper documents and publications into electronic rules and platforms that are easy to deal with and search through, by publishing his works and products, taking them out of their narrow paper space, and opening new horizons to reach all concerned parties, including ministries, bodies, and individuals. Knowledge platforms also provide their partners with a set of guarantees and services that can be summarized as follows:

Development principles
Foundations of database development?
The importance of databases